Sunday, February 8

I Miss You All!

A big hello to everyone! I've been pretty much MIA from the blogsphere, I know. I miss all of you, really I do. And I've been keeping up with Hui's posts and your comments (thank you La C and Johanne for asking about me. I feel loved! You are not forgotten ♥ ). Well, here's a quick catch up!

Time really does fly! I've just started on a masters programme, which is going to last two years. I can't believe we're a week into feb already! The course has got some really fascinating material, and my coursemates (all 20 of them) are great people. Surprisingly, I've still managed to keep a semblance of a social life, going for gigs and meeting up with friends, but it means that my time spent on things like blogging suffers. I really have to thank hui for keeping it going! *plants a big wet one on hui's cheek*

In case you were wondering, the photo above is taken from the Prodigy gig. They are just insanely talented performers. I have never seen a crowd so hyped up for the full length of a concert!

Well, this is just me stopping by. Nothing very fashion-y to say I'm afraid.

Hui dearest, the Orb Flock Shirt from the Vivienne Westwood Red Label is totally meant for you! I love the print - it's quirky, yet subtle. I'm working on it babe!


Irene (capuccinobar) said...

Rachel Rachel Rachel
where were you??
oohh, yes we missed you :)


Johanne M. Aa. Laache said...

That's great! What are you studying?